BALKA is a three-part documentary film funded by the Open Society Institute about the HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe and its effect on women. Through the course of the film the audience meets Zina and Marina, best friends and active drug users about to discover their HIV status; Tanya, an HIV-positive mother of two who is receiving drug treatment but whose husband continues to use drugs; and Galya, a former user who now works as a peer-to-peer outreach worker.
Balka has screened for 3 million viewers online and at harm reduction conferences and human rights festivals around the world. Download a Discussion Guide in English or Russian about the topics addressed in this film.
Directed and Edited by Anya Meksin and Leeza Meksin / Produced by Sophie Pinkham / Music by Jeff McSpadden / Sound Design by Cesar Davila-Irizarry